DMC (Spring 2011)
Site: Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA
Collaborators: Max Park, Esra Aras
Guest Juror: Farshid Moussavi
In thinking about how the public experiences media, we were intrigued by how information becomes layered and more or less resolute through movement. The objective of this project is to create a layered media experience by situating our proposal for a digital media center on top of the existing subway station at Harvard Square. The introduction of a pixelated concrete panel (prototyped using a 3-axis CNC router and Rockite) emphasizes the changing of media resolution through layering. It acts as a curtain wall facade held by steel columns on the interior with a layer of glass enclosure in between. As commuters and passersby move under and around the media center and through the amphitheatre space, media is perceived vertically from above and below ground and horizontally through the layers of the DMC. On the interior, an open floor plan is maintained for a media gallery space. The result is a gradient of light across the interior modulated by the facade.